European Weiqi Referees Training Class

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Аватар користувача
Президент УФГО
Повідомлень: 1782
З нами з: 05 квітня 2003, 11:23
Розряд: 5d
Звідки: Киев, Украина.

European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення Dmitriy »

European Weiqi Referees Training Class
In order to improve the proficiency of European Weiqi referees and popularize Chinese rules of Weiqi, the Chinese Weiqi Association and the European Go Federation are scheduled to host the first training class over the Internet for European Weiqi referees.
1. Sponsors: Chinese Weiqi Association /European Go Federation
2. Lecturers: Hua Yigang (an expert in Weiqi rules), Chen Zuyuan (an expert in Weiqi rules) , Cheng Caibo (an experienced international Weiqi referee), Yang Shuang (an experienced international Weiqi referee)
3. Approaches of training: The training class adopts one of the two approaches considering the platform’s technical support capability:
Video conferencing. The trainees may use video software through a platform (Tencent - Conference(English Version)) for on-line lecturing on Chinese Weiqi rules, answering questions and examination.

Pre-recorded videos. Videos pre-recorded by the lecturers are posted free of charge on a platform for the trainees, and they can interact via e-mails with the lecturers. The training materials are designated and compiled by the Chinese Weiqi Association.

4. Exam and certificates: The trainees will sit an exam organized by the Chinese Weiqi Association after the training session, and those who pass the exam are to be presented a certificate of honor, as well as a training certificate issued by the Chinese Weiqi Association and the European Go Federation with official seals.
Аватар користувача
Президент УФГО
Повідомлень: 1782
З нами з: 05 квітня 2003, 11:23
Розряд: 5d
Звідки: Киев, Украина.

Re: European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення Dmitriy »

Шановні друзі.

Прошу всіх, хто хоче отримати кваліфікацію судді з китайських правил, оголосити свої наміри в цій гілці, і зв'язатись зі мою особисто до 15 квітня 2020 року.

Тел. 063 620 5904
Яценко Дмитро Олександрович

Бажаю здоров'я та успіхів.
Dear go friends,

I hope everyone is well in these difficult days.

Yes, life in Europe is frozen at the moment and we are more or less imprisoned in our homes, without a possibility of personal meetings. Fortunately, go has an advantage that many activities can be run on-line.
Besides on-line tournaments, which are now on the run, EGF wants to organise also an online training course of Chinese rules. The reason is simple. More and more tournaments are played by Chinese rules and we need well qualified referees able to handle that tournaments. The course will be organised in co-operation with the Chinese Weiqi Association. Respectively, the teaching will be done by the Chinese Weiqi Association teachers and the EGF takes care about an organisational background of the event.
We do believe, that running such an online course during these days can be easily organised and maybe welcome by many.

As for the training itself. You can find at the end of this e-mail a proposal for the European Weiqi Referees Training Class. In principle, there are two suggested ways how to run the training.

a) Video conferencing. That option is, of course, more interactive, nevertheless, has some disadvantages. First of all, lessons would be run at the same time for all participants, which might be a little bit problem for a large group. Secondly, everybody has to install Tencent platform on his/her computer, which might also be a problem for somebody. Tencent is something like Teamspeak, but it is Chinese software.

b) Pre-record videos. Everybody will get sets of videos for his/her individual training as described bellow.

b2) The same like b) but questions and answers will be posted to the teachers and back through the EGF responsible person(s). A website with Q&A would be set up for that purpose. The aim is simple, to avoid redundant questions and also, to make answers available for all attendants of the course. It may be useful for all participants of the course to see also questions of the others.

I hope, that you will like this activity. Please, let us confirm that you received this message and send me, please, latest by 15th of April, a list of people interested in participation in that training. The list must contain for all applicants: their full name, a contact e-mail, and a preferred way of the training (a, b, b2).

Take care of you and best regards,
Jana Hricova
Аватар користувача
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З нами з: 11 квітня 2008, 14:31
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Звідки: Київ

Re: European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення December »

Я, Туровська Юлія, бажаю прослухати курс та пройти сертифікацію.
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Контактна інформація:

Re: European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення Небайдужий »

Качановський В.О. зацікавлений пройти запропоновані онлайн курси і отримати відповідний сертифікат.
Не утримуй те, що минає, і не відштовхуй те, що приходить ... і тоді щастя саме знайде тебе.
Омар Хайям
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Повідомлень: 281
З нами з: 17 травня 2016, 10:14

Re: European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення vikkis »

Русановська Наталья
Русановський Євген
Симоненко Вікторія
Зв'яжемся особисто с Дмитром Олександровичем 10 квітня.
Востаннє редагувалось 08 квітня 2020, 17:13 користувачем vikkis, всього редагувалось 1 раз.
Аватар користувача
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Повідомлень: 1351
З нами з: 01 листопада 2011, 11:48

Re: European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення Наталья »

Preferably b + b2
Аватар користувача
Advanced Member
Повідомлень: 2165
З нами з: 11 квітня 2008, 14:31
Розряд: 5k
Звідки: Київ

Re: European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення December »

Ім'я та прізвище для запису англійською: Turovska Yuliia.
Якщо у нас є право голосу, то варіанти b є привабливішими. Але якщо оберуть якийсь інший, то я все одно готова прослухати курс та пройти атестацію.
Аватар користувача
Президент УФГО
Повідомлень: 1782
З нами з: 05 квітня 2003, 11:23
Розряд: 5d
Звідки: Киев, Украина.

Re: European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення Dmitriy »

Dear all,

I hope that everything is fine with you.

I am writing to remind you kindly, that a deadline for a registration for the on-line training course for EGF referees for Chinese rules is tomorrow, on Wednesday 15th of April.

I would like to add a few information to my previous mail.
We have received 19 applications from 6 different countries so far. Following preferences of applicants, we are going to organise the course using b2 option. Preliminary information is, that the course should start by the end of April latest. We are now working on technical details for the chosen option.

Although 19 participants is a good number, still 6 countries is not that much. Therefore, we would like to encourage, especially "big", countries from which we have not got any application yet, to support their referees to participate in that course. Chosen option b2 gives us certain flexibility and we do not need to be so strict with deadlines. Nevertheless, if we have to start last week in April, we need to know participants a week before latest. So, please, if you know about anybody who would like to take part in this course, let me know by 20th of April latest.

many thanks for your co-operation and best regards,
Аватар користувача
Advanced Member
Повідомлень: 2165
З нами з: 11 квітня 2008, 14:31
Розряд: 5k
Звідки: Київ

Re: European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення December »

Так, Дмитре Олександровичу, ви ж у чора мені сказали, що підготували листа! То як, нам самим зв'язатись із Яною чи як?
Advanced Member
Повідомлень: 281
З нами з: 17 травня 2016, 10:14

Re: European Weiqi Referees Training Class

Повідомлення vikkis »

Яні відправив листа вчора Дмитро Олександрович з нашими даними і поштою! Чекаємо напевне!