Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

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З нами з: 10 березня 2003, 23:06

Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення BAM »

Аватар користувача
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З нами з: 05 квітня 2003, 11:23
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Звідки: Киев, Украина.

Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення Dmitriy »

Трішки запізно, але дуже розгорненна і насичена стаття про передісторію матчу:
Повідомлень: 1295
З нами з: 10 березня 2003, 23:06

Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення BAM »

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Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення Antony »

Повідомлень: 1295
З нами з: 10 березня 2003, 23:06

Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення BAM »

How AlphaGo Works
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Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення Небайдужий »

AlphaGo принесла любителям Ґо "бабло" :)
Є хороша новина: призовий фонд, який виграла AlphaGo, було поділено на частини і одна з цих частин дісталась Європейській Го Федерації.
Американці написали як проводився розподіл грошей: http://www.usgo.org/news/2016/06/aga-ag ... ize-money/
150 000 $ дісталось ЄГФ...
А ЄГФ уже спланувала як ці кошти використати: http://www.eurogofed.org/index.html?id=55
Востаннє редагувалось 13 вересня 2016, 17:15 користувачем Небайдужий, всього редагувалось 1 раз.
Не утримуй те, що минає, і не відштовхуй те, що приходить ... і тоді щастя саме знайде тебе.
Омар Хайям
Повідомлень: 493
З нами з: 10 березня 2003, 23:20
Розряд: 6d

Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення Di »

Комментарии Фана и 3 партии AlphaGo с собой.
https://deepmind.com/research/alphago/a ... s-english/
Аватар користувача
Президент УФГО
Повідомлень: 1832
З нами з: 05 квітня 2003, 11:23
Розряд: 5d
Звідки: Киев, Украина.

Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення Dmitriy »

Из недавнего интервью Като Хидеки, создателя программы Zen:
"В марте в Японии пройдет турнир компьютерных программ. В нем впервые примут участие две китайские программы, созданные по принципу Deep Learning. Они успешно соперничают с топ-профи на китайских Го серверах. Даже если предположить, что AlphaGo тоже примет участие в этом турнире, никто не может гарантировать ей первого места"
Источник: http://news.donga.com/3/all/20161226/82030272/1
Аватар користувача
Президент УФГО
Повідомлень: 1832
З нами з: 05 квітня 2003, 11:23
Розряд: 5d
Звідки: Киев, Украина.

Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення Dmitriy »

DeepMind's AlphaGo is back, and it's been secretly crushing the world's best Go players over the past couple of weeks. The new version of the AI has played 51 games online and won 50 of them, including a victory against Ke Jie, currently the world's best human Go player. Amusingly, the 51st game wasn't even a loss; it was drawn after the Internet connection dropped out.

Developed by London-based DeepMind, AlphaGo was thrust into the limelight in March 2016 when it beat Lee Sedol, one of the world's top Go players, in a real-world match in South Korea. Before the match, Lee was confident that he could beat the artificial intelligence. But after losing four out of five games, Lee said, "I've never been congratulated so much just because I won one game."
Following its single game loss, DeepMind has been hard at work on a new and improved version of AlphaGo—and it appears the AI is back bigger, better, and more undefeated than ever. DeepMind's co-founder Demis Hassabis announced on Twitter yesterday that "the new version of AlphaGo" had been playing "some unofficial online games" on the Tygem and FoxGo servers under the names Magister (P) and Master (P). It played 51 games in total against some of the world's best players, including Ke Jie, Gu Li, and Lee Sedol—and didn't lose a single one.

That isn't to say that AlphaGo's unofficial games went unnoticed, though. Over the last week, a number of forum threads have popped up to discuss this mystery debutante who has been thrashing the world's best players. Given its unbeaten record and some very "non-human" moves, most onlookers were certain that Master and Magister were being played by an AI—they just weren't certain if it was AlphaGo, or perhaps another AI out of China or Japan.
It is somewhat unclear, but it seems that DeepMind didn't warn the opponents that they were playing against AlphaGo. Perhaps they were told after their games had concluded, though. Ali Jabarin, a professional Go player, apparently bumped into Ke Jie after he'd been beaten by the AI: "He [was] a bit shocked... just repeating 'it's too strong.'"

Gu Li, as quoted by Hassabis, was a lot more philosophical about his loss to the new version of AlphaGo: "Together, humans and AI will soon uncover the deeper mysteries of Go." Gu Li is referring to the fact that AlphaGo plays Go quite differently from humans, placing stones that completely confound human players at first—but upon further analysis these strategies become a "divine move." While there's almost no chance that a human will ever beat AlphaGo again, human players can still learn a lot about the game itself by watching the AI play.

If you want to watch the new AlphaGo in action, a German website has the first 41 games from the 51-game streak, including victories against many of the world's best human players. At this point it isn't clear how this new version of AlphaGo differs from the one we saw last year, though some Go observers suggest that this version is making more "non-human" moves than before, indicating that the deep neural network might've been trained in a different way.
This post originated on Ars Technica UK
Аватар користувача
Президент УФГО
Повідомлень: 1832
З нами з: 05 квітня 2003, 11:23
Розряд: 5d
Звідки: Киев, Украина.

Re: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo

Повідомлення Dmitriy »

AlphaGo development team was selected for the 34th Japan Go Journalist Club Award for 2017.

The Japan Go journalist club is a group consisting of 12 media companies which include three major Japanese newspapers (Yomiuri, Asahi and Mainichi Shimbun), NHK Educational Corporation and Jiji Press Ltd.

For your reference, the successive recipients included legendary Fujisawa Shuko (Honorary Kisei), Sakata Eio (23rd Honinbo) and Hikaru no go (manga artist, Hotta Yumi)

On November 29th, the selection meeting for the award was held at the Nihon Ki-in in Tokyo.
The selection meeting nominated two biggest events for the award as follows: Iyama Yuta ‘seven-crown champion’ of holding all seven major titles and appearance of AlphaGo. After heated discussions and votes, AlphaGo was selected for the award.
The main reasons of the selection of AlphaGo were "great contribution to a lot of visibility of Go" and "huge impact on go professionals by showing us high level of new go techniques of AlphaGo".

Google DeepMind dispatched Mr. Thomas Hubert to Tokyo for your participation in the 34th Japan Go Journalist Club Award ceremony.

The video letter messages of your Mr. Hassabis (CEO and Co-founder of Google DeepMind) was also sent us for the award ceremony.